Clearent’s Cloud EMV API is a single-point, cloud-based payment integration that enables POS systems to offer merchants multiple payment device brands and a better payments support experience.
At its core, the Cloud EMV API is a semi-integrated payment solution. This means that you get the benefits of embedding payments into your platform without needing to deal with PCI DSS compliance and lengthy EMV certifications. With Clearent’s Cloud EMV API, you only need to perform one simple integration to Clearent’s cloud versus multiple integrations to each desired payment terminal. Once integrated, you can offer your merchants a variety of card-present payment devices. As Clearent’s device offerings grow, so do yours.
Another benefit of this single-point integration is clear visibility into your connection with Clearent. This way you can easily identify the source of potential payment processing issues and find a resolution quickly.
How it Works
Clearent’s Cloud EMV API works by managing all payment devices through Clearent’s cloud.
Steps 1-3
POS developers can send data directly to Clearent’s cloud instead of the payment terminal. The API call to the cloud “wakes up” the payment device and asks for card data.

Steps 4-6
Once a consumer enters their card into the payment device, the terminal makes a downstream call to Clearent’s Quest Payment Gateway for authorization approval, then sends the response to your POS through Clearent’s Cloud EMV API.

This approach allows all card data to bypass the POS, reducing PCI scope for the merchant, and eliminating PCI DSS scope and EMV certification for the POS.